Browse through an array of subjects including history, medicine, science, mathematics, architecture, spirituality, and sexuality
(single DVD: $25, 2-disc DVD sets: $50, 4-disc DVD sets: $100).
African Origins of Civilization
​Over 3 hours of information in a 2 disc set $50
Who is the original man?
Who are the mother and father of civilization?
Who gave reading, writing, mathematics, and science to the world?
Where is the birthplace of civilization?
3 Millenia of Excellence: A Brief History of
Ancient Kemet's Major Personalities
Over 5 hours of information in a 4-disc set $100
Covers 3000 years of ancient history
Detailed History of Dynasties 0-30
Accomplishments of Great Rulers
Beautifully illustrated slides
Shackling the Black Child's Mind:
Racism in American Cartoons
Over 3 hours of information in a 2 disc set $50
Topics included are:
Hidden Racism in Current Cartoons
The Black Savage Stereotype
The Effects of Television on Children of Color
African Ancestry Revealed
Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
Over 1 1/2 hours of facts about the racial background of the Ancient Egyptians, debunking
four of the major false arguments for the European Ancestry of the Ancient Khamites
(Egyptians). Understand why whites must continue to falsify their ethnicity. $25
Topics included are:
The Racial Origins of the Ancient Egyptians?
Diop’s Melanin Dosage Test
Africa’s World Influence
Tour of the King Tut Exhibit at the Discovery
Over 1 1/2 hours of an exclusive tour conducted at the discover center highlighting artifacts
that were brought to the US from Egypt for the 1st time in 20 years! $25
This exclusive tour explores:
The Life of the Boy King
His Golden Artifacts
King Tut's family lineage
Join us for an amazing weekend of events. Secure your space at https://www.shrineofmaat.org/events
Imhotep: Ancestral Paradigms of Excellence
Over 1 1/2 hours of information highlighting Imhotep's true history, contrary to pop culture
media depictions. $25
This DVD identifies Imhotep's greatest roles in history:
Ancient Egypt: Birthplace of Medicine
Over 1 1/2 hours of information highlighting great accomplishment in the health
professions including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing and prosthetics $25
Highlights of the video:
History’s First Doctors
The First Medical Journal
The Field of Nursing
The African Origins of Christianity
Over 3 hours of information in a 2-disc set. $50
Discover the obscure origins of Christianity, the world's largest religious tradition. These
origins, which began in Ancient Africa and Mediterranean region, were carefully hidden.
This lecture is not offered to dismantle the Christian tradition, but to reestablish its proper
historical context. It serves as a powerful clarion call for not only Christians but all those
who practice Abrahamic traditions.
Major Topics include:
Influences of Ancient Kemet's major trinity (Ast, Ausar, Heru) on the Christian faith
The Origins of the Virgin Birth, "Miracle-Work", and Resurrection
The Earliest Tradition of the December 25th Birth
The Contradictions of the Early Christian Fathers
The Diffusion of Kemetic Spirituality into the Mystery Traditions
Sacred Sex in Ancient Kemet
Over 5 hours of information in a 4-disc set highlighting the concept of sexual relationships
in Ancient Kemet with practical instruction for today's relationships $100
Sacred Sex addresses 4 major topics:
Divine Sex amongst the Ntrw (Gods)
Sacred Sex/ Sacred Relationships in Ancient Kemet
Decoding Sexual Images in Kemetic Art
Incorporating Sacred Sex in your life
Echoes of the Ancient Mind: Kemetic Temple
Architecture and Relational Mathematics
Over 1 1/2 hours of information focusing on ancient wisdom. Learn how our Ancestors
used their relational minds to master multiplication and division without the use of a times
table. $25
Other topics include:
Ancient Wisdom etched in the Stone Walls of Ancient Egyptian Temples
How our African Ancestors encoded the Blueprint for Divine Human Being in the
structure of their Temples
The Big Bang Theory
The Wisdom of Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths
Get all 10 titles at a discount. A total of 19 DVDs. Over 25 hours of information with captivating
powerpoint slides and images. Only $400 (a $75 savings)


About the Author
“In this brilliantly written and illustrated publication Brother Jabari Osaze has dutifully breathed life into the visionary work of master teacher Dr. Edward Robinson and in doing so is living proof that the Ancestors live and work thru us.”
-Anthony Browder
Jabari Osaze also known as Heru Djeden Ma'at Aten Ra has studied Ancient Egypt for nearly 30 years, focusing primarily on the areas of philosophy, esoteric symbols and sacred science. Brother Osaze has led study groups in Egypt since 2002 and tours of the world-renowned Egyptian collections at museums such as New York’s Brooklyn Museum and Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Oriental Museum of Chicago, and the British Museum in the UK.
While completing his Bachelor of Science degree at Cornell University, Brother Osaze’s studies led him to the monumental works of Ra Un Nefer Amen and R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. He began focusing on the practice of the Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) ideal.
In 1998, he was initiated into a Kemetic order, the Shrine of Ptah, by Chief Priest Heru Ankh Ra Semahj Se Ptah. Brother Osaze has continued his study with the Shrine of Ptah. In 2005, he was initiated into the order of Sacred Kingmen and received the coronation name Heru DjedenMa'at Aten Ra. He now serves as the Chief Priest of the Shrine of Ma'at. Jabari holds a master's degree in Divinity from the University of Metaphysical Sciences and a Master's of Human Service Administration from Cornell University. He is currently completing his doctorate in Divinity.
Brother Jabari is the author of Seven Little White Lies: The Conspiracy to Destroy the Black Self-Image and has been featured in several documentaries including Hidden Colors 5, Buck Breaking and Hapi: The Role of Economics on the Development of Civilization. He was recently enstooled as a Chief in the village of Moree in the Central Region of Ghana West Africa.
About the Book
In a well researched and documented text, Jabari Osaze provides a masterful analysis of the racist propaganda that people of African descent have lived with for generations. The propaganda has been so dominant, that few realize that it is still in play.
What is a lie? What are its effects? Can a lie be more dangerous than physical injury? Can it be more lasting and harmful than broken bones? There have been many things that have been said about people of African descent that number amongst the vilest of human utterances. How are African Americans affected by these mistruths?
This book focuses on outlining 7 of the most dangerous but common "mistruths". It describes how these misconceptions have metastasized into other popular notions, and then thoroughly defeats them.
The text, which is scholarly written but accessible, expounds on these common lies: 1. Caucasians are the Original People 2. Ancient Africa Contributed Nothing to Civilization 3. The Ancient Egyptians were 'Caucasian' 4. Hebrew Slaves Built the Pyramids 5. Africans Were Savages When the Europeans Enslaved Them 6. Columbus Discovered America 7. Abraham Lincoln Freed the Slaves.
At the end, Mr. Osaze provides recommended solutions to remedy the effects of these lies, including a corrective history program known as the African Genesis Institute.